Thursday, 7 October 2010

Analysis of childrens film opening

This is a children's film opening sequence made by last years AS media students. It establishes the character Albert and his social position. He is an outcast, and is severely bullied by his peers. However, this serious subject is shown in a humourous way as Albert sits in his hat, showing no reaction to the people throwing stuff at him. This humour is what makes this clip appealing to children. It is also accompanied by lighthearted music, this fits the mood of Albert's expression, unaffected by the bullies.
   Every shot is focused on Albert. This allows the viewer to feel included within his daily activities. On the bus, the camera is hand-held to reflect the movement of the bus. In class, the camera is still, as is Albert.
Albert's location is very well established as each shot follows a different aspect of his day at school.
He is always positioned on the right-hand side, and his background changes, as do the people throwing things at him. I find this highly affective as we follow his daily routine of being generally disliked by everyone who knows him.

   The lighting is appropriate to his environment, there is nothing out of place or artificial the make make the viewer doubt the reality of the situation.
   The credits are in a font similar to the hand writing in a school book and accompany Albert's day in a very non-intrusive way. By the credits appearing in a way you don't notice, the viewer is more likely to believe the reality of Albert's situation.

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