Tuesday, 9 November 2010

Opening sequence Feedback

there are a variety of shots at the start of the sequence with long, medium and close up shots. Towards the end there where not many different shot types however this doesn't effect the overall sequence. Any camera movement during the opening is very fluid and steady and the transition between shots are very fluid.

sound at the beginning is really good but it suddenly turns quiet. the voices are really effective but it's patchy in some parts. very good use of background sound to set the scene.

sets the scene, title and introduces the characters, however you could introduce the story more but everything else is good.
high five :)

the animation is very well done and fluent when the dinosaurs are talking very fast opening need to explain the dare, smooth animation used, aimed at more male 8-10 year olds. good use of colours and gave each character a personality using props. eg. bow.

editing is very good used istopmotion really well, lighting is good, however in each separate shot the brightness varies then at the end it come to an abrupt stop with no hint as of when it is finished and doesn't look complete. style - continutity, pace of cuts consistent. no other transitions used. many could of benefited from them. ps, intro makes us happy :)

relates to the same animation in programs such as morph, land before time and wallace and gromit. aardman animations could distribute this as it is a fabulous animation.


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